這幾天小光來我家玩,看到樂金LG 208公升Smart 變頻上下門冰箱GN-L295SV 覺得很好用也想買一個
急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買樂金LG 208公升Smart 變頻上下門冰箱GN-L295SV ,懶惰的我當然是直接上網幫他下訂單啦~
樂金LG 208公升Smart 變頻上下門冰箱GN-L295SV 用過之後感覺真的很不賴!大力推薦!!!
- 變頻一級省電
- 冷藏164公升冷凍容量 44公升
- 壓縮機10年保固
| 好評
商場百貨 |
品牌 | LG樂金 |
型號 | GN-L295SV |
顏色 | 銀色系 |
產地 | 印尼 |
尺寸 | 555mm x 1520mm x 585mm |
重量 | 47kg |
公升數區間 | 300公升以下 |
實際公升數 | 208 |
電壓/頻率 | 110V/60HZ |
馬達型式 | 變頻 |
門數 | 雙門 |
開門方向 | 右開 |
耗電量 | 26kW.h/月 |
噪音值 | - |
能源效率 | 第1級 |
能源標章 | 有節能標章 |
環保冷媒 | - |
全機保固 | 1年 |
壓縮機保固 | 10年以上 |
安裝說明 | 含基本安裝 |
注意事項 | ●選購冰箱時需考量家中門是否能夠足夠空間可以搬運冰箱,建議家中門所需搬運空間為冰箱寬度 + 20公分(左右各10公分),還須考量家中門的厚度與門鎖的長度是否會影響搬運。●另外位於2樓以上的住戶,購買冰箱時也需考量樓梯間的寬度是否可以搬運所購買的冰箱。◎依照消費者保護法規定,消費者均享有產品到貨十天猶豫期之權益非式用期,退回產品必須是全新狀態且包裝完整 ( 保持產品、附件、包裝、廠商紙箱及所有附隨文件或資料之完整性) ,否則恕不接受退貨,若非新品暇疪客戶已安裝要求退貨,會另收取拆裝費用。◎本商品含標準安裝服務+運送到府+舊機回收(不另外加收樓層費用),但如因為住家環境或運送安裝途中無法正常配送(如需吊車搬運、拆卸門窗等),導致另外費用產生須由消費者自行負擔!◎本產品一經安裝,不得退貨,也無法退回已回收之舊機 ,安裝前請務必確認機型是否為各位網友所需。◎本產品文案為原廠所提供,若有變動敬請參照實際商品為準。◎本產品網頁因拍攝關係,圖檔略有差異,實際以廠商出貨為主 。◎本產品係由生產廠商或供應商免費提供基本運送, 若因地處偏遠、或其他特殊情形(例如:天災或道路狀況不良),致使所物流車輛無法於正常狀況下送抵,而需另以其他方式處理時,所衍生之費用,須由訂購人自行支付供貨廠商。 |
樂金LG 208公升Smart 變頻上下門冰箱GN-L295SV 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
INVESTMENT: A National Development Council plan calls for the government to take the lead by boosting public investment to encourage the private sector to follow suit
By Lee Hsin-fang and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writer
The Executive Yuan yesterday said it plans to earmark NT$340 billion (US$10.7 billion) for a stimulus package to spur economic growth, with an emphasis on boosting government investment in state-owned businesses and projects.
The National Development Council (NDC) suggested that the Cabinet focus on ameliorating the nation’s investment environment, encourage private investment, step up investment in state-owned businesses and reinforce digital innovations as the main staples of its stimulus plan.
Premier Lin Chuan (林全) said the government must take the lead by increasing investments in public projects and state-owned businesses to encourage the private sector to follow suit.
NDC Deputy Director Kung Ming-hsin (龔明鑫) said the council is unable, at this time, to provide estimates on how much the stimulus would contribute to GDP growth, but should the Executive Yuan approve the plan, immediate policies would include a two-year waiver on rent for land in industrial zones and a stable rent policy for science parks.
The rent waiver will be applicable to the Changbin Industrial Park, the Southern Taiwan Science Park, the Heping Industrial Park in Hualien, the Shihliou area (石榴) of Yunlin Technology-based Industrial Park and recently developed areas in the Yunlin Offshore Industrial Park, Kung said, adding that the lease must not be less than six months.
The government is also looking to lower the rent in science parks by an average of 8.99 percent, he said.
The policy aims to help solve common problems confronting industries, including land shortage by focusing on renting instead of selling land in industrial zones and science parks, provide stable power sources via renewable resources, upgrade existing pipelines and promote reusable water resources, Kung said.
The Executive Yuan plans to increase the capacity of the power generation units at the Datan Power Plant in Taoyuan’s Guanyin District (觀音), expand and upgrade components at the Shenao Harbor power plant and boost hydroelectric power generation at the Liyutan Dam (鯉魚潭) as part of its increased investment in state-owned businesses, Kung said, adding that the upgrades to Datan power plant alone would cost NT$110 billion.
Other investments in state-owned enterprises or public projects include the establishment of a military port in Keelung City, a container terminal on the west coast, more warehouses for logistics, promotion of solar power generation, investment in 5G networks and reinforcing key facilities at the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, Kung said.
The stimulus plan aims to build a solid foundation for digital innovation, including ramping up broadband and Wi-Fi connections in campuses, ensuring that rural areas also enjoy basic Internet facilities, helping the government transition into a digital environment and offering aid to corporations for them to do the same, Kung said.
As for providing incentives for increased private sector investment, Kung said the government would encourage corporations to invest in new equipment, participate in the government’s plan for to promote “five innovative industries,” bolster tourism development and promote cultural-creative industries.
The “five innovative industries” is an overall plan laid out by President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) during her election campaign, with promises to invest in “green” energy, an “Asian Silicon valley,” national defense, biotechnology and medicinem and Industry 4.0 to enhances Taiwan’s competitive edge.
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